Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Numbers In Student-Led Ministry

I've noticed a very simple principle related to numbers in high school campus ministry. For the most part, the schools with large numbers at their gatherings have a much more difficult time motivating their members to seek the Lord. In large groups, unless the leader is particularly gifted, the culture of the group is set by the overwhelming majority, and when that majority is filled with peer pressure and uncertainty and plain dullness, so the culture goes. 

Small groups, however, have a much better chance of taking action and seeking the Lord because there is less peer pressure to squelch the fire. Teens feel more comfortable and open in smaller groups and are much more likely to participate actively, and are much more easily motivated to do radical things. 

Large groups have an increased difficulty maintaining their focus, as the voices of so many opinions dilute their clarity of vision. Large groups also require much more pastoral leadership to maintain unity and community. In many cases of student-led gatherings, the pastoral burden alone causes the group to disintegrate.

However, when the majority of a large group is passionate and already motivated to seek the Lord, then the culture follows that majority. The difficulty is fostering that culture into existence when it does not exist. It is much easier to start small with an established vision and passion and grow at a rate where the majority remains motivated. 

If a student leader has a large group of high school students where the majority is largely unmotivated, then I would pray hard for the group and actually consider downsizing...

Case Study: Olathe South High School students once held weekly gatherings in the high school gym for Christian students. They had a full worship team, portable sound system, hot breakfast, and over 100 students attending every week. Sounds amazing, right? Over time, the fruit of the group was not what you would expect. Leaders became offended at each other, students attended and socialized but the offense among the leaders began to cause nonbelievers to criticize Christianity. As hard and sincerely as the leaders tried, the group began to fall apart. 

That winter the Lord spoke to several of the leaders calling them to try high school ministry His way, through prayer for breakthrough (out of Acts 1-2). At the start of the spring semester the leaders announced that the group was going to focus primarily on prayer on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and they were no longer going to use the gym or the sound system or the full worship team or the hot meals. Guess how many members they had after that announcement? Ten. This shift revealed how many students (and leaders) were attending out of genuine desire for God and how many attended as a social club.

But in the end, the group began to see breakthrough! The social club ended and students began to focus on God, which was supposed to be the focus of the group, and now (5 years later) students at Olathe South pray EVERY DAY before school as a group and they are seeing their prayers answered in miraculous ways! Now Jesus is actually being exalted!

Why? God uses the weak things to confound the wisdom of this world.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Consecrated Musicianship

Music is such a huge part of all of our lives. Have you ever met a person that doesn't like music? We can debate certain types of music, but everyone loves at least some kind of music. The real glory of music is found in its Creator.

Music was invented by the Lord for His worship. Angels participated in music long before humanity ever existed (Job 38:7). Before Satan fell, he was the highest musician and worship leader in heaven. Studying Satan before his fall reveals how he was created to lead creation in worship through music. Satan is a musician (parts of his body were designed as beautiful instruments), and scripture actually references the Lord being Lucifer's source of inspiration and music (pre-fall). But Satan fell, launching his own worship movement for his own glory, as the chief musician, to deceive humanity. 

Side note: Part of Satan's war against humanity is that we have replaced him as the chief worshipers of heaven. Satan was created to lead us in worship of Yahweh, but he fell, and God granted that humanity would take his place as the chief worshipers of heaven. There are lots of references and studies behind these statements, but I don't want to unpack the entire background right here.

Not only did God invent music and create Lucifer as a chief musician, He also designed our spirit and emotions to respond to music. All music is rooted in spiritual inspiration, whether good or bad, based on who (or what) we worship. Our spirits are directly effected by what we listen to. Our emotions are knit to the music that we submit ourselves to. Many have found freedom from deep depression after changing the music that they listen to. Many who have struggled with the spirit of fear have found deliverance after removing certain music from their library. And not only that, but many have found freedom from demonic oppression related to what they listen to.

The call to be a musician is indeed a crucial calling in the kingdom of heaven. There is real power in music, rooted in who (or what) we worship. There is real power that the Lord wants to give to the church in the area of music that we can only receive if we ask him for it. Music isn't just about sounding good, music can release the power of God to all who hear. Music can deliver or enslave. And musicians will be judged based on what they worshiped with their talents.

I've heard many fantastic musicians, real geniuses with God-given creativity who use their talents to openly worship demons, and their albums are iTunes bestsellers, hardening the hearts of those who hear their music.

I think a lot of Christian musicians need to wake up. Music isn't just sound, there is real power in music. We need to get over our sound and start pressing into the power of Jesus and what He says about our music. We need to stop drinking from the cup of demons (1 Cor 10:21) and actually dedicate our music and inspiration to the Lord. How can we lead anyone in the worship of Yahweh if we're listening to demon worship? And we worship the one who invented music! How is it that secular music dominates the industry when all of their music is based on a counterfeit without revelation or divine inspiration?

I believe that no music can compare to the music of anointed worship. There comes a point where the sound falls away and the power and presence of God overtakes the music and suddenly your song becomes an encounter with the living God. Where is that music? Where is the music that breaks the chains of bondage that the secular music industry enslaves us with? Where is the music that causes our faces to shine and the glory to manifest as in 2 Chronicles 5:11-14? There is more to be had for those who are hungry.

I encourage you, if you are a musician or a singer, to consecrate your music to the Lord and set aside secular music from your life. You are called to distinguish between what is holy and what is common, especially as a musician or singer. Whether or not you feel called to lead worship, or write music, play shows and tour, or just rock out, as a believer, your music has a higher calling to release the power of God on the earth. Seek the Lord about how He would use your music, and seek His inspiration.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Onething 2011

The 2011 onething conference is just around the corner! Last year we had well over 20,000 students and young adults attend in downtown KC for 4 days of amazing worship and teaching! This year's theme is transforming hearts and cities with God's justice through encountering Jesus, our magnificent obsession! Check it out online at www.ihop.org!

Watch the promo video!

Mark your calendars! This is going to be good! Join us in person or online at www.ihop.org for live streaming!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Opinion on the "Gift of Singleness"

Lately I have heard several teachings on the spiritual "gift of singleness" from various places and I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts about the season of singleness that we all face at some time in our lives. To begin, there has been a growing cultural pressure to validate singleness. Many of our young churchgoers are finding it increasingly difficult to find a suitable spouse in a culture of such wickedness so they are finding themselves single for an extended period of time. Rather than praising their Biblical standards, we are over-glorifying their singleness and misrepresenting marriage entirely. 

My opinion is directed primarily towards men, since I am a male.

First of all, it is unbiblical to relate the season of singleness that we all face in our youth to celibacy. Celibacy is a serious, lifelong vow that very few are called to make before the Lord (fewer than you think). Let us not confuse this serious vow with the seasonal trial of a 20-something. Matthew 19:11-12

Secondly, it is okay to desire marriage. Where did we get the idea that marriage is some kind of burden (Hollywood)? It is not bad to be married. You are not less holy if you are married. It is less holy to be single when you are called to marriage, and I guarantee there are many more of those out there than those genuinely called to celibacy...

Thirdly, many of those who are single are so because they are filled with selfishness. Marriage is a tutor in humility, a tutor many are not willing to accept. Many men are unwilling to put the needs of another before themselves and therefore wait for someone who will put them first. They are so focused on their own lack that they don't yield to the needs of others and are therefore waiting for someone who fulfills all of their needs. Man's pride has bound them and they are unwilling to put on Christ, therefore God has spared the poor woman who would have been their wife and suffered their pride. Their glorified singleness is Their fault. Matthew 19:8.

Fourthly, many are waiting for a spouse that does not exist. This is not to say that our standards are bad, because our values are very real and necessary. I am talking about the fantasy woman many have thought up in their mind who is without fault. Many of us are waiting for a flawless woman who fulfills all of our desires and makes us the hero, but again, this desire is also rooted in pride. They again fail to put someone else's needs before themselves and embrace the faults of another, as Christ loved us in our sin. Many women have passed them over because of the same pride.

Fifthly, marriage predates sin. Married is not some fix to a sin issue (namely our physical passions). God established marriage in paradise. We were designed to marry, rather than to be single. Jesus designed marriage! He was at the first wedding! He loves it! Gen 2:18, Pro 18:22, 31:10, Luke 20:34, Eph 5:31.

Finally, we must not distort the scriptures. Singleness is not a gift, for the overwhelming majority it is a season. There are those that are called to celibacy, but again this is a very small percentage of people who are purposefully called by the Lord. Many are confused by various teachings on 1 Corinthians 7, but Paul says "Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches (1 Cor 7:17)." For most, this call is to marriage. Therefore it is okay to desire marriage. God put that desire in you because you are called to marriage, and you will not fulfill all of your calling as you are single. That is just the truth. You need to get married to fulfill you calling as a husband and father, and I do not want to deny you the angst of this desire because it is God's desire for you.

Many teachers need to repent for allowing those who are called to marriage to stay single. We have lifted the God-given burden of our desire for marriage and called it holiness. Marriage is an awesome calling, and it is the holiest thing to pursue it as your calling. Being single does not make you more holy (especially if you are called to marriage). What makes you holy is to pursue God's will for your life, and in most cases, that is marriage. So please feel free to desire marriage! It is a most amazing calling!

The season of singleness does present great opportunities for ministry, but so does marriage. Paul does say in 1 Corinthians 7 that the married man's interested are divided between how to please his wife and how to please the Lord (v. 33-44), but isn't being a good husband pleasing to the Lord (especially if marriage and fatherhood are your calling)? I think we're reading a little to far outside of the context of Paul's instruction to the Corinthians, forgetting what the rest of the Bible says about marriage and concluding that marriage is a hinderance to ministry. If that were true, Paul would not encourage all church leaders to be married in 1 Timothy 3. I conclude that God intends marriage to make us more like Christ as a wonderful benefit to our ministry. I conclude that marriage is excellent for ministry, forcing me to face my pride, tutoring me in humility, fulfilling me in my relationship with my wife and calling as a father, and conforming me more to the image of Christ. Do not be deceived into thinking that singleness actually makes you a more effective minister when you have yet to realize your calling and face your pride. 

God bless those who are in search of a Godly spouse and those who are called purposefully to celibacy.

Here are a few other notes I have written concerning the value of marriage... I'm sure there are more to come:

The Value of Marriage

Marriage Counseling