Monday, April 30, 2012

5 Years - May 2012 Newsletter!

This month's headlines: Logan shares a video celebrating 5 years of ministry, Samuel is nearly crawling and Molly shares about Isaiah 40:11

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sow Your Summer

One of the things I have learned over the years of working with believers on High School campuses is the profound importance that Summer has on the following school year. I wrote in an earlier blog post (Summer Can Be The Shift) about how a summer camp changed my life as a teenager and how it motivated me to impact my high school the following year. I have seen again and again how the Lord touches one person over the summer that changed their school in the following years. My friend Angela, who is organizing The Point Of Life Outreach, got the idea after attending a summer missions trip in Taiwan! Looking at these testimonies, it is easy to see the powerful shift that a summer can have on the following school year. 

This summer is no different. Tens of thousands of high school students are about to enter their summer break here in Kansas City, and thousands of those will be attending summer camps and short-term missions trips. It is my prayer that the Lord would raise up student missionaries out of these summer camps who would return to school next year on a mission. Please pray with me and find ways to spend your summer intentionally sowing into the next generation. You never know who might get impacted by the Lord this summer and return to impact hundreds of students at their school!