Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two Worship Movements

I didn't realize this so much when I was younger, but it is apparent to me now more than ever that there are two very district worship movements throughout history. One of the strong dynamics of the events leading up to the Day Of The Lord (Return of Jesus) is the worship movement of lawlessness that conditions the world to receive and worship the Antichrist. One one side, you have music dedicated to Yahweh, which to this point sounds pretty dull to most, musically. On the other side, you have the worship of lawlessness, expressly inspired by demons, that captures the ears of the masses. I do also agree that there is a certain neutral ground where music is composed for music's sake out of a God-given gift of creativity that has no real agenda other than to be expressed. But in the end there is a limit to human creativity, and artists seeking the next big thing or to be heard and influence the masses often turn to external sources of inspiration, often spiritual, that end up being demonic. While there is neutral ground, it is often very narrow and temporary in the life of the composer.

Scripture talks quite a bit about the emergence of two great worship movements at the End of the Age, one in worship of Yahweh, and the other in worship of lawlessness/Antichrist. It is already obvious to anyone willing to listen to the words of the secular songs that lawlessness is the primary subject of the songs, whether thievery, sex, hatred of the world, or any other kind of immorality, it is all throughout the music industry. The difference about the music industry today compared to history is technology. New sounds are the gold of the industry, and music travels around the world as fast as the internet can carry it. More than ever, the agenda behind the music is propagated to the masses is ways never before possible because of technology. 

What I am also noticing about the mainstream music industry is its new boldness to admit its demonic inspiration, whether Eminem, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, or even the Beatles. More and more artists are boldly admitting that their inspiration comes from some external power, usually while they are on drugs, and they market it proudly. Some of the newer genres of the music industry, such as dubstep, are being fueled entirely by artists who are open demon worshipers, worshiping the demons that "gave them the sound" that made them famous.

My most recent favorite example of this worship movement has to be Katy Perry's song "Friday Night," where the whole song brags about all the immoralities and sins that she and her friends committed that Friday night and how they are going to do it all again the next Friday. Of course the song makes it fun and sound like a great time, but it's sin, it is the worship of lawlessness, and was at the top of the charts!

Most people never take the time to actually think about the consequences of the words in the songs they like. They don't think about the inspiration of the artist or even if they agree with the song. It sounds good, therefore I like it. Really the song is your teacher, condition your mind to the vision of the artist. 

A friend of mine had a dream where an angel approached him and handed him a folder. He opened the folder and saw a list of songs and the characteristics they are meant to create in a person. The songs had an agenda to get the person thinking a certain way, down to their favorite color. The songs effected moods and emotional responses to certain situations, causes a certain attitude towards their parents or the government, and told them what they like or dislike or what they believe in. The listener was conditioned to act certain ways, react certain ways and like certain things. My friend who had the dream knew this was the goal of the demons inspiring the false worship movement. 

The Bible even makes this clear to Christians by telling us to set ourselves apart:

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup ofdemons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. - 1 Corinthians 10:21

Revelation 13 tells us that at the end of age, this false worship movement will not be an option at the End of Age. It will lead into a worship movement of Antichrist, the Man of Lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:3), and the earth will be commanded to worship him, punishable by death! The Antichrist has a clear worship movement at the End of the Age, but so does the Lord.

Many people don't know the details about the Lord's worship movement at the End of the Age. Many chapters are given to describing the music of those days. In Isaiah 30, Isaiah tells us that every judgement released against the Antichrist (the trumpets and the bowls) will be released by the worship movement! Songs! Singers, musicians, worshippers! Did you know that the Battle of Armageddon is going to be fought in the valley of Jehoshaphat, where Jehoshaphat went to war and put the singers and musicians on the front lines and when they showed up for battle, the enemy had already been slain to the sound of the music!

Psalm 149 describes the people of God as having praises in their mouths, and swords in their hands, that at their music, nations are being judged and the glory of God is coming on the earth! The Lord's worship movement has real power on it, more and more leading up to the end of the age! Who will be singing the song that releases the judgements against the Antichrist empire?! Who will be playing the drums that judge nations?! No demonic counterfeit can nearly approach the power that God gives to his worship movement!

We forget that so easily because we don't know how to access it. The Christian music industry has a lame reputation because we seldom take the time to seek the Lord. Jeremiah laments in Jeremiah 23:18 that the prophets of the land didn't take the time to stand in the council of the Lord, to listen. These are things that we have to give ourselves to, pursue, and consecrate ourselves for. The Lord will not grant power to the music of anyone who is drinking from the cup of demons in his spare time. That is why is it crucial for musicians and singers who want to be dedicated to the Lord to consecrate themselves. Set yourself apart! Don't listen to what everyone else is listening to, and don't listen to what everyone else is playing! Listen to God for a few years and see what happens...

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