Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Melodies from Heaven

As a musician at IHOP, I hear a lot of talk about the idea of musicians and singers pursuing and receiving melodies from heaven. Of course, heaven is musical! The book of Revelation describes the thrown of God and the music that is constantly surrounding the thrown. Of course, this is amazing, and of course, who wouldn't want to hear the music of heaven!

As I learned more about it, I myself began to seek the Lord regarding the music of heaven. As a musician consecrated to the Lord and using my talents to worship, I began to diligently ask the Lord to impart to me divinely inspired melodies and progressions. For many years I did this, separating myself from demonically inspired (a.k.a. secular) music and committing my music to the Lord.

There is great truth in the fact that all music has a root to its inspiration, whether out of human creativity or spiritual inspiration, every composer has an allegiance. Music is either inspired by the Holy Spirit and the beauty of Jesus or it is inspired by darkness to promote darkness, if even at an incremental level. A perishing composer cannot produce any other kind of music, plain and simple. Therefore, the consecration of our ears is essential, even moreso for worship leaders!

Back to my story, for years I consecrated myself to the Lord and asked earnestly for a melody of heaven. I heard stories of musicians and singers who had received divine melodies that they had no inspiration for, or that had a special power to break strongholds in the spirit. Again and again I've heard of musicians pleading with God to inspire them, but I think in some cases, this process has carried to a fault.

I remember one day I was playing in the prayer room and the Lord was obviously moving in the room and nearly the entire room was engaged in energetic worship. I remember praying "Lord, give me a divine melody from heaven!" And thinking, "If only I had a prophetic melody right now to really take it to the next level." Then I felt a conviction come upon me and the Lord spoke to me. He said, "Why not play from the inspiration of your spirit, which is subject to the Holy Spirit? Are you not worshiping me, and is your worship not as good as any other? Then the greatest melodies are that which are of genuine heart and not what you received from some other source." Suddenly I realized, I had spent so much energy pursuing a 'divine' melody from who-knows-where that I neglected to actually engage my heart in worship before the Lord.

It is not the goal of the musician or worshiper to "tap into" someone else's inspiration, even if that person is an angel or some heavenly being. In truth, Biblically, the role of lead worshipers passed from the angels to humanity after the fall of Lucifer. And since the angels do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling in their inner man, in stands to reason that our greatest musical inspiration comes from our own heart cry, of course connected to the Holy Spirit that dwells in us.

I do not see in Scripture any example where a prophetic musician received all of their inspiration from anyone other than their own spirit engaging with the Holy Spirit. The cry of the Spirit and the Bride that say "Come" at the end of the day is a partnership between our own song aligning with the movement of the Holy Spirit on the earth. Psalm 149 where the believers "make melody" rather than "receive melodies," and execute justice on the nations through their worship. And Isaiah 30 where at the end of the age, the worship that arises from the church actually releases the judgements of God, but it says nothing of heavenly melodies being released. Rather, I believe that the church is finally going to learn how to worship in spirit and in truth, with grace and supplication, and that the Lord will anoint their weak worship.

There are two worship movements at the end of the age, an epic spiritual showdown in the realm of music between worshipers of Yahweh and worshipers of the Antichrist and Satan. The key is not restlessly seeking divine melodies in hopes that we will one day be powerful worshipers, but that we rend our hearts to the Lord and engage in a life of the Spirit that results in God placing a divine endorsement on our music. God wants real, genuine worship from the heart of a humble people, not just that we seek and seek and seek for an angel's melody.

And the funny thing is, He'll actually give us divine inspiration with supernatural power once we rend our heart and truly give ourselves to wholehearted worship. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading what you wrote here because when I first encountered IHOP on November 3rd of this year. I had a revelation and God was touching me through the words being presented and I was praying simultaneously and crying and it released so much hurt and pain from me. It or rather He spoke to my heart and spirit through listening. I felt, all weekend, this must be divinely inspired. That the singers were like God's Angels in a way. That the singers were singing my heart, my fears, my absolute need for the Holy Spirit. It was truly a breakthrough in my life. I stopped listening to and singing secular music which I had been listening to daily prior. I stopped swearing. Hearing other people swearing all of a sudden offended me. I heard myself preaching to others of God's Love. I felt so renewed. What is daunting though is going out into the world and being bombarded with false information and being resisted by those who hear nothing and listen even less and are so quick to call IHOP a cult. That saddens me because as a backslidden Christian, I can feel the Lord's hand in what is taking place in the prayer room. I looked up "IHOP devinely inspired" as search terms and found various articles. I enjoyed reading this. Yes. You become a conduit for God to speak to us. I say that when your heart and soul are laid bare to the Lord and you ask Him to work through you, this is the result. I feel your spirits in resonance with the Holy Spirit and my spirit in turn resonates with that. It speaks to my heart. The Lord speaks to my heart as I speak back to him all at the same time. So I thank you as Spirit filled human beings for doing this.
    Thank You.
