Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mac Midi Clock App Request

Dear world of Apple developers and musicians,

I have an external device (guitar pedal) that I wish to sync the tempo with my mac via a midi clock sync, yet the program I have used for years became obsolete when I upgraded to OS X Lion because PowerPC applications are no longer supported. I used a wonderful MidiClock app (;1) that served one simple purpose: generated a midi clock signal that I could output to my guitar pedal. This free app solved my problem without causing me to spend big bucks on a music application suite.

So far I have found no way to do this with Garage Band...

So, could a kind-hearted developer/musician please point me in the direction of another option for midi clock syncing between my mac and external device??? Or please develop an app in the App Store (or wherever) that could solve this woe?

Thank you,
Logan Bloom

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Online Photography Store!

This week I put together an all new photography website that allows anyone to browse and purchase customized print orders of my photographs completely online! I am using an online service called Zenfolio, which allows me to use my favorite professional print lab! All of the products are top-notch, and I have always been impressed with their results. Zenfolio features a wonderful set of options for my prints, from Canvas Wraps to even letting you select your favorite frame for an image. All of the profits from these sales go to support our ministry at the International House of Prayer! So you can be confident in your product and that your money is going to a good cause!

A few tips, I always encourage my users to "Styrene" mounting option when ordering prints. This is a very durable plastic surface that is not effected by humidity or changes in temperature and is not subject to typical wear and tear and can greatly increase the lifespan of your print. I do not receive any profit from this option, I have just noticed a massive benefit from using it on my own prints. Make sure to at least give it a look under the "Preview and Configure" menu option before checkout.

Another tip would be to really consider ordering the "Fine Art" version of my prints. These "Fine Art" prints, while more expensive, are of a much better quality, especially at larger print sizes. These prints provide a much better viewing experience as both the paper and the ink are specialized for fine art photography. Try one and you'll see the difference.

Well what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Calling a Generation in the Right Direction

These days everyone is calling this generation to something, both inside the church and outside the church. Whether it is a style, brand, environmental or compassion initiative, music, or church program, this generation is pulled at all sides. Has it ever been easier for a teenager to find a 'bigger picture' to commit themselves to? In such a fast paced technological revolution, how do we navigate the many voices calling to our teenagers?

It is very easy in all of these things to forget what matters most, and this is a mark that our youth are missing. Amidst countless compassion initiatives around the world, secular motivators are seeking to define "justice" around humanistic unity. We often forget that true justice is oriented by the truth of scripture, and where there is no truth of scripture, there is no justice.

In Matthew 22, Jesus sets the record straight about what each generation is called to give themselves to:

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

These two commandments are so easily mixed up that it happens all the time, but the effects of missing this order are detrimental to a generation. If you fulfill the second commandment without the first commandment, you will only love someone to hell. There is no salvation apart from intimacy with Jesus. Jesus is God. Jesus defines truth, justice and righteousness, and apart from Him we will be destroyed.

Every call to this generation is for nothing unless we get this right. Every intent of our heart is wicked apart from Jesus. So my plea is that we call a generation into what really brings everlasting life. No amount of helping the poor will pay for your sins. Each time we focus on the second commandment without the first, we are preparing to receive the Antichrist, because this will be the movement on which he will capitalizes. There is no good apart from Jesus (Psalm 16:2).

We must be a generation that pursues the first commandment, that we would love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind! Imagine how that would effect our lives, our music, our ministries. Even in the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10), Martha is working to serve, and yet Jesus says that Mary chose the 'one thing that is needed,' to sit at his feet. She chose intimacy over service. We must have intimacy with Jesus, especially for the days ahead.

One of my favorite teachers on the earth said, "If you don't enjoy Jesus, what makes you think you'll enjoy heaven?" We've got to call our generation to the first commandment, and the second commandment will come naturally. Get intimacy with Jesus, like oil in your lamp.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Samuel's First Week

Well, Samuel is now 1 week old!!! He is asleep next to me after a feeding (yes, at 2:30 AM), and I thought I'd share some thoughts! So far, Samuel has been such an amazing baby, and Molly has been such an amazing mother!

Both Molly and I are realizing more and more that Samuel really is an amazing child. We've prayed for him throughout the entire pregnancy, and now that he is here it is cool to see some of the answers to our prayers. Samuel is perfectly healthy, but more than that he is pure, innocent, and very well tempered. Samuel carries no curse from his parents. The greatest interactions of his life have been between him and his Creator.

As we look back on the pregnancy, particularly Molly's 3 hospital visits, culminating in the 4 night stay for salmonella poisoning, we're reminded of a few similar stories. I've seen for many years the stories of history where Satan would rage against a generation in order to wipe out the deliverer about to be born. Moses is a prime example. Every Israelite child was being killed as 'population control,' but truly Satan knew the hour and raged against the generation to try and catch Moses, but God was faithful and rescued Moses. Jesus was another deliverer born under the rage of Satan, where an entire generation was being wiped out in an attempt by Herod to catch Jesus as a child. This generation, too, is begin born under the rage of abortion, again because Satan knows the hour and we're raising the generation that will experience the return of Jesus.

As for Samuel, Molly became deathly ill in her 39th week of pregnancy. She was ill for a full 5 days without recovery, spiking a 103 degree fever at a heart rate will into the 140's. We feared for Molly's life as her dehydration approached a fatal limit. Her entire internal system shut down where she could not eat or drink or take any medication but through an injection. Had Molly died, Samuel's life, although likely saved, would have been changed forever (not to mention mine). I remember pacing in her hospital room for hours crying out to God, "Let me have my wife!" I think I rebuked every evil spirit I had ever heard of, and probably a few I made up.

Yet, Molly lived! She is so strong! She received antibiotics once the diagnosis was made and she began to recover only 3 days from her due date! There was still a chance that Samuel could have been infected but Molly's recovery was quick and she was soon well enough to deliver by the time Samuel actually arrived.

Looking back on the story, I am reminded of this verse: "By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict" (Hebrews 11:23). Moses' parents recognized something in their child, not fully, but at least in part, and they parented according to the call of God on his life. Imagine Zachariah in Luke 1, told by an angel of his son's birth and destiny (John the Baptist), and think about how that effected his parenting. So much so that it's written in the Bible! The faith of Moses' parents actually contributed to his destiny, and gets included in the story of our 'heroes of faith' in Hebrews 11!

I want to be that kind of parent. I do not know the full purposes of God for my son, but the fact that Satan raged against his birth is evidence of the call of God over Samuel's (and Molly's) life! So here we are, one week into it. Molly is still recovering from the weakness she sustained from her illness, and from delivery, but she gets better each day. Samuel is healthy as could be, and I am ever more aware of something stirring in my spirit over his life. I pray each day for the full purposes of God to come to pass in his life, and I am ever thankful to have him and Molly in my life!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Samuel Is Here!

Our little baby Samuel was born on August 8th at 4:27 PM! 7 pounds, 5 ounces, 20.5 inches long! He is soooo wonderful! Molly is recovering well and is no longer suffering from any symptoms of her food poising (which she had at 39 weeks).

We are about to launch our new online newsletter where we will get to post videos and picture slideshows and all kinds of new interactive content! We are so excited to make this new newsletter available to anyone who is interested in keeping up with our ministry and family. You can sign up online easily to receive a link to our monthly newsletter to your email here:

Friday, August 5, 2011

When Christianity Becomes Terrorism

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness! - Isaiah 5:20

For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly, Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace. - Jeremiah 8:11

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, - 1 Timothy 4:1-2

Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. - Matthew 24:9-14

Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. - 1 John 4:3

During a time of fasting in 2008 I had two dreams, which at the time, seemed slightly far-fetched in that present day. In one dream I was interviewing a Christian High School student who had his Bible confiscated by his teacher at school. He told me the story of how no Bibles were allowed on campus because of their offensive content, and only one Bible was placed in the administrative office next on a shelf with a copy of every other major religious text.

In the second dream, I was walking through the capital of some state and it was an election year. I watched a TV screen with the news where the political candidates campaigned about what they would do eliminate the "intolerant Christians," as if Christianity had become a form terrorism. This is hard for us to imagine in America, but it happens ALL the time around the world. Back to the dream, it was clear that the church was about to make its final stand. Nationwide, the church decided to launch a final large-scale evangelism outreach where believers took to the streets in groups trying to share the gospel to whomever they could find. It was clear that this was the last chance the church had before the doors were closed. We were about to take our final action as a free religion.

Thus we took to the street, and very quickly riots began to break out across the nation. The evangelism outreach was met by unprecedented opposition. Protestors violently persecuted the groups of believers and the police rushed the scene immediately to arrest the believers for our own safety. I watched in the dream as some of my own friends were hauled off to jail, bleeding from the beatings they had just taken from an angry mob. Again I watched the news about the event and saw that there were a few places in the nation where the evangelism was met with signs and wonders and revivals actually broke out in some places and many were saved, but over all, the church took its last stand. Then I looked at the street where the riot had just taken place and I saw the Bibles that the believers had carried scattered through the street. Cars would purposefully run them over and passers by would step on them purposefully. I picked one up, that had belonged to my friend, and a person walking by said, "Can you believe it? They actually believe that stuff! I'm glad their gone." Then I woke up.

Those dreams seemed a little extreme when I first had them, but in the years since, I've realized a sobering reality that this kind of persecution might come sooner than we think. I recently read some very troubling news articles regarding Governor Perry's call to fasting and prayer. I repeatedly saw the phrase "Christian extremists" and "intolerant Christians," and I suddenly remembered my dreams. These "Chrsitian extremists" written about in the news were some of our more grounded, faithful church leaders, such as James Dobson of Focus on the Family.

The trends in the media are beyond bashing morality but are actually taking a stand against fundamental Christianity. The news articles applauded the efforts of the universalist church pastors who's banner is unity. The nation is actually openly taking a stand against Christianity and Scripture. Now, I'm pretty young, maybe too young, but I see no more time for apathy. Governor Perry's call to prayer and fasting is exactly what we need.

The New York Times did a fairly gentle article on the International House of Prayer where we were criticized for believing that God actually hears our prayers. Of all the things to be criticized for (like that Jesus is the only way to God), we were criticized simply for believing in prayer!

All that to say, we ought to take a serious look at the Scriptures I listed at the top and come to turns with the reality of what we're about to go through. Whether you believe in pre-tribulation rapture or not, this is where our nation is headed apart from a supernatural move of God, and this is the Biblical description of where we're headed, so don't expect to be spared.

I won't get into the doctrine of glory of the church in persecution and participating in the sufferings of Christ (Romans 8:17, 1 Peter 4:13, Matthew 5:11-12, among others), but as Christians this is what the Bible says to expect. The church in America has largely failed her duty as the 'ekklesia,' but the persecution of the church is always accompanied by the spread of the gospel and the power of God being made manifest in our midst, and we could use some of that.