1. Go to flickr.com/loganbloom, where you'll see a list of most recently added pictures and sets of pictures listed down the right-hand side.
2. To view a particular set of pictures, for instance Turkey Trot 2010, click on the Turkey Trot 2010 set to open it. (You can view more sets by scrolling down and selecting "More Sets").
NOTE: Now you can click through all of the pictures included in that set, page by page. The Turkey Trot set has 263 photos included in its set, so you'll have to click through several pages to view all of the photos.
3. You can click on a particular photo to open its page view.
4. Once you have opened a photo, for instance this photo of Molly and Banner, you can still click through the rest of the photos in that set in the list of the photos on the right-hand side.
5. You can comment on photos below the image on the screen.
6. You can select various actions by clicking on the "Actions" button above the photo.
7. To download, click the "Actions" button above the photo and select "View all sizes."
8. Now you will see a list of different resolutions at which you can view that picture across the top of the page.
9. Select the desired resolution ("Original" is best for printing) and wait for the image to load.
10. Once the image as loaded, right-click the image and select "Save Picture As..." and follow the instructions to save the image to your computer.
And that's how you can use the images on my flickr account to download in full-resolution for family use!
NOTE: These images are under copyright by Logan Bloom from the moment they are taken. The use of these images for commercial use without consent is prohibited.